ICE & LIFE. Protecting the glaciers and deglaciated areas of today and tomorrow
Partners: ASTER, INRAE, USMB, WWF (France), ETH, Ub, UNIFRI (Switzerland)
Funders: WWF-France and Mirova Foundation, the Fondation Université Savoie Mont Blanc, the DIPEE Grenoble-Chambery, the FREE-Alpes Federation (FR n°2001-CNRS), the Fondation Eau, Neige et Glace, Millet Mountain Group, Crédit Agricole des Savoie, Quechua Imepsa, the Kilian Jornet Foundation
LIFE WITHOUT ICE. A transdisciplinary approach to quantify the physical, ecological, and social impacts of glacier extinction in both the Andes and the Alpes
Partners: IRD, INRAE, National Park Ecrins (France), UniAndes, UniValle (Colombia), PUCE (Ecuador),
UMSA (Bolivia), Gap UiT (Norway), CIIS (USA)
Funder: BNP Fundation, 2020-2026
BERGER. Ecosystem biology and water resources: anticipating the impact of glacier retreat
Partners: IRSTEA, IGE, CEN (France)
Funder: Région AURA, 2017-2020
ALPARVAN. Evolution of alpine aquatic ecosystems in the context of climate change and increased anthropogenic pressures
Partners: IRSTEA, IGE, LEHNA, CEN, ZABR (France)
Funder: AERMC, 2018-2019
Characterization of superficial and underground flows in the Arve catchment (Chamonix)
Partners: IGE, IRSTEA, LECA (France)
Funder: Labex OSUG@2020, 2017-2018
Effect of the rapid glacier retreat on the aquatic community in high-altitude tropical river
Partners: IRSTEA, IGE (France), PUCE (Ecuador)
Funder: LMI Great-Ice CARI, 2017-2018
Dynamics and structure of the microorganism metacommunity of the cryoconit holes: comparison between 2 tropical glaciers
Partners: IRSTEA, IGE (France), PUCE (Ecuador), UMSA (Bolivia)
Funder: LMI Great-Ice CRYOCO, 2017-2018
EURORUN Assessing C02 fluxes from European running waters
DRYFLUX Global assessment of the CO2 flux from dry freshwater habitats.
1000 Intermittent Rivers Project