Scientific publications:
Al-Yaari A., Condom T., Anthelme F., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Dangles O. et al. (2024) Warming-induced cryosphere changes predict drier Andean eco-regions. Environmental Research Letters 19, no. 10: 104030.
Ficetola GF., Marta S., Guerrieri A., Cantera I., Bonin A. et al. (2024). The development of terrestrial ecosystems emerging after glacier retreat. Nature, 632, 36-342.
Carteron A., Cantera I., Guerrieri A., Marta S., Bonin A. et al. (2024). Dynamics and drivers of mycorrhizal fungi after glacier retreat. New Phytologist, 242(4), 1739-1752.
Cantera I., Carteron A., Guerrieri A., Marta S., Bonin A. et al. (2024). The importance of species addition ‘versus’ replacement varies over succession in plant communities after glacier retreat. Nature Plants, 10(2), 256-267.
Guerrieri A., Cantera I., Marta S., Bonin A., Carteron A. et al. (2024). Local climate modulates the development of soil nematode communities after glacier retreat. Global Change Biology, 30(1), e17057.
Bonacina L., Eme D., Fornaroli R., Lamouroux N., & Cauvy-Fraunié S. (2023). Spatiotemporal patterns of macroinvertebrate assemblages across mountain streams with contrasting thermal regimes. Freshwater Science, 42(4), 392-408.
Al‐Yaari A., Condom T., Junquas C., Rabatel A., Ramseyer V. et al. (2023). Climate variability and glacier evolution at selected sites across the world: Past trends and future projections. Earth's Future, 11(10), e2023EF003618.
Bosson JB., Huss M, Cauvy-Fraunié S., Clément JC., Costes G. et al. (2023) Future emergence of new ecosystems caused y glacial retreat. Nature. 620, 562-569.
Wilkes M.A., Carrivick J.L., Castella E., Ilg C., Cauvy-Fraunié S. et al. (2023). Glacier retreat reorganizes river habitats leaving refugia for Alpine invertebrate biodiversity poorly protected. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1-11.
Becquet J., Lamouroux N., Forcellini M., Cauvy‐Fraunié S. (2023). Modelling macroinvertebrate hydraulic preferences in alpine streams. Hydrological Processes, 37(2), e14806.
Becquet J., Lamouroux N., Condom T., Gouttevin I., Forcellini M., Launay B., Rabatel A., Cauvy‐fraunié S. (2022). Macroinvertebrate distribution associated with environmental variables in alpine streams. Freshwater Biology, Wiley, 2022, 67, 1815-1831.
Rosero-López D., Todd Walter M., Flecker AS., De Bièvre B., Osorio R., González-Zeas D., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Dangles O. (2022). A whole-ecosystem experiment reveals flow-induced shifts in a stream community. Communications Biology, 5(1), 1-8.
Cardenas T., Naoki K., Landivar CM., Struelens Q., Gómez MI. (2021) Glacier influence on bird assemblages in habitat islands of the high Bolivian Andes. Diversity and Distributions, 28(2): 242-256.
Stubbington R., Sarremejane R., Laini A., Cid N., Csabai Z. et al. (2021) Disentangling responses to natural stressor and human impact gradients in river ecosystems across Europe. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Marta S., Azzoni RS., Fugazza D., Tielidze L., Chand P. et al. (2021) The retreat of mountain glaciers since the Little Ice Age: A spatially explicit database. Data, 6(10):107.
Launay B., Barnasson J., Becquet J., Brulin M., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Forcellini, M. (2021) Découverte d’une nouvelle population de Rhithrogena delphinensis Sowa & Degrange, 1987, dans le massif des Arves, et compléments à la description de la larve (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 126(4), 401-420.
Andino P., Espinosa R., Crespo-Pérez V., Cauvy-Frauníe S., Dangles O., Jacobsen D. (2021) Functional Feeding Groups of Macrofauna and Detritus Decomposition along a Gradient of Glacial Meltwater Influence in Tropical High-Andean Streams. Water, 13(22):3303.
Quenta E., Daza A, Lazzaro X, Jacobsen D, Dangles O., Cauvy-Fraunié S. (2021) Aquatic biota responses to temperature in a high Andean geothermal stream. Freshwater Biology, 66(10):1889-1900.
Attermeyer K., Casas-Ruiz J. P., Fuss T., Pastor A., Cauvy-Fraunié S., et al. (2021) Carbon dioxide fluxes increase from day to night across European streams. Communications Earth & Environment, 2:1-8.
Rosero P., Crespo‐Pérez V., Espinosa R., Andino P., Barragán A. et al. (2021). Multi‐taxa colonisation along the foreland of a vanishing equatorial glacier. Ecography, 44(7):1010-1021.
Fell SC., Carrivick JL., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Crespo-Pérez V., Hood, E. et al. (2021). Fungal decomposition of river organic matter accelerated by decreasing glacier cover. Nature Climate Change, 1-5.
Anthelme F., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Francou B., Cáceres B., Dangles O. (2021) Living at the edge: Increasing stress for plants 2-13 years after the retreat of a tropical glacier. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9.
Niedrist G., Cañedo-Argüelles M., Cauvy-Fraunié S. (2021) Salinization of Alpine streams during winter months. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28:7295-7306.
Nagler M., Praeg N., Niedrist G., Attermeyer K., Catalán N. et al. (2021) Abundance and biogeography of methanogenic and methanotrophic microorganisms across European streams. Journal of Biogeography, 48(4):947-960.
Khedim N., Cécillon N., Poulenard J., Barré P., Baudin F., et al. (2021) Topsoil organic matter build‐up in glacier forelands around the world. Global Change Biology, 27(8):1662-1677.
Forcellini M., Plichard L., Dolédec S., Mérigoux S., Olivier JM., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Lamouroux N. (2020) Microhabitat selection by macroinvertebrates: generality among rivers and functional interpretation. Journal of Ecohydraulics, 1-14.
Espinosa R., Andino P., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Dangles O., Jacobsen D., Crespo-Pérez V. (2020) Diversity patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrates in a tropical high-Andean catchment. Revista de Biología Tropical, 68:29-53.
Keller P.S., Catalán N., von Schiller D., Grossart H.P., Koschorreck M. et al. (2020). Global CO2 emissions from dry inland waters share common drivers across ecosystems. Nature Communications, 11(1):1-8.
Cauvy-Fraunié S. & Dangles O. (2020). Reply to: Glacial ecosystems are essential to understanding biodiversity responses to glacier retreat. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4:688-689.
Crespo-Pérez V., Dangles O., Ibarra C., Espinosa R., Andino P., Jacobsen D., Cauvy-Fraunié S. (2020) Functional structure and diversity of invertebrate communities in a glacierised catchment of the tropical Andes. Freshwater Biology, 65:1348-1362.
Dangles O., Yoccoz N.G, Cauvy-Fraunié S., Allison E., Anthelme F. et al. (2020) RE: Life without tropical ice. eLetters Science.
Kneib M., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Escoffier N., Canadell M.B., Horgby Å., Battin, T. J. (2020). Glacier retreat changes diurnal variation intensity and frequency of hydrologic variables in Alpine and Andean streams. Journal of Hydrology, 583,124578.
Moret P., Barragán Á., Moreno E., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Gobbi M. (2020). When the Ice Has Gone: Colonisation of Equatorial Glacier Forelands by Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Neotropical Entomology, 49:213-226.
Cauvy-Fraunié S., Trenkel V.M., Daufresne M., Maire A., Capra H. et al. (2020) Interpretation of interannual variability in long-term aquatic ecological surveys. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(5):894-903.
Cauvy-Fraunié S. & Dangles O. (2019). A global synthesis of biodiversity responses to glacier retreat. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3(12):1675-1685.
Von Schiller D., Datry T., Corti R., Foulquier A., Tockner K. et al. (2019) Sediment respiration pulses in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33(10):1251-1263.
Shumilova O., Zak D., Datry T., von Schiller D., Corti R. et al. (2019) Simulating rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: a global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter. Global Change Biology, 25(5):1591-1611.
Bravo A.G., Kothawala D.N., Attermeyer K., Tessier E., Bodmer, P. et al. (2018) The interplay between total mercury, methylmercury and dissolved organic matter in fluvial systems: A latitudinal study across Europe. Water research, 144:172-182.
Datry T., Foulquier A., Corti R., Schiller D., Tockner K. et al. (2018) A global analysis of terrestrial plant litter dynamics in non-perennial waterways. Nature Geoscience, 11(7):497-503.
Milner A.M., Khamis K., Battin T.J., Brittain J.E., Barrand N.E. et al. (2017). Glacier shrinkage driving global changes in downstream systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(37):9770-9778
Cauvy-Fraunié S., Andino P., Espinosa R., Calvez R., Jacobsen D., Dangles O. (2016). Ecological responses to experimental glacier-runoff reduction in alpine rivers. Nature Communications, 7,12025
Faye E., Rebaudo F., Yánez-Cajo D., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Dangles O. (2015) A toolbox for studying thermal heterogeneity across spatial scales: from unmanned aerial vehicle imagery to landscape metrics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7:437-446.
Cauvy-Fraunié S., Espinosa R., Andino P., Jacobsen D., Dangles O. (2015) Invertebrate metacommunity structure and dynamics in an andean glacial stream network facing climate change. PloS one, 10.8:e0136793.
Cauvy-Fraunié S., Andino P., Espinosa R., Jacobsen D., Dangles O. (2015) Temporal scaling of high flow effects on benthic fauna: insights from equatorial glacier-fed streams. Limnology and Oceanography, 60(5): 1836-1847.
Brask Madsen P., Morabowen A., Andino P., Espinosa R., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Dangles O., Jacobsen D. (2015) Altitudinal distribution limits of aquatic macroinvertebrates: an experimental test in a tropical alpine stream. Ecological Entomology, 40(5): 629-638.
Cauvy-Fraunié S., Espinosa R., Andino P., Dangles O. Jacobsen D. (2014) Relationships between stream macroinvertebrate communities and new flood-based indices of glacial influence. Freshwater Biology, 59(9):1916-1925.
Cauvy-Fraunié S., Andino P., Espinosa R., Calvez R., Anthelme F., Jacobsen D., Dangles O. (2014) Glacial flood pulse effects on benthic fauna in equatorial high-Andean streams. Hydrological Processes, 28(6):3008-3017.
Jacobsen D., Andino P., Calvez R., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Espinosa R., Dangles O. (2014) Temporal variability in discharge and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in a tropical glacier-fed stream. Freshwater Science, 33(1):32-45.
Jacobsen D., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Andino P., Espinosa R., Cueva D., Dangles O. (2014) Runoff and the longitudinal distribution of macroinvertebrates in a glacier-fed stream: implications for the effects of global warming. Freshwater Biology, 59(10):2038-2050.
Cauvy-Fraunié S., Condom T., Rabatel A., Villacis M., Jacobsen D., Dangles O. (2013) Technical Note: Glacial influence in tropical mountain hydrosystems evidenced by the diurnal cycle in water levels. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 17(12):4803-4816.
La fonte des glaciers menace la biodiversité aquatique. 2017 La
Book Chapter:
Cauvy-Fraunié S., Domas R., Penot E. Scénarios, analyse prospective et simulations sur les exploitations agricoles du réseau de fermes de référence du projet BV-lac. Exploitations agricoles, stratégies paysannes et politiques publiques : Les apports du modèle Olympe, 173. Editions Quae
SEFS10 (Olomouc, Czech republic), 2017: Glacier retreat effects on mountain stream ecosystems
Cauvy-Fraunié S., Andino P., Espinosa R., Jacobsen D., Dangles O.
SEFS 8, (Münster, Germany), 2013: Using wavelet analyses on water level time series to detect
glacial influence in mountain Hydrosystems.
Cauvy-Fraunié S., Condom T., Rabatel A., Villacis M., Jacobsen D., Dangles O.
ECOVEG 7, (Lausanne, France), 2011: Colonization ability of an alpine plants community on a
tropical glacier foreland in the Ecuadorian Andes.
Cauvy-Fraunié S., Dangles O., Anthelme F.