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Emily Galarza (UMSA, La Paz, Bolivia, MNHN, INRAE): E-flows in the tropical Andes. Characterisation of hydrological impacts and river ecological states
Luca Bonacia (University of Milano-Bicocca - ERASMUS at INRAE) 2023: Thermal regime of mountain streams: drivers and ecological effects on the aquatic biota
Juliette Becquet (INRAE-Tereo) 2022: Impact of hydrological alteration on mountain aquatic ecosystems in the French Alps
​Master 2
Nils Dumarski (University Lyon2, France) 2021: Hydraulic preference of benthic invertebrates in alpine rivers
Peder Kristian (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) 2019: Algal-community drivers in alpine streams
Tatiana Callejas (UMSA, La Paz, Bolivia) 2019: Microbial metacommunity in cryoconite holes
Cristel Blot (M. B2E, Montpellier, France) 2018: Macroinvertebrates community structure in highly glacial catchment
Cristina Ibarra (PUCE, Quito, Ecuador) 2016: Effects of glacial influence on freshwater functioning in tropical alpine streams .
Capucine Petriacq (University François Rabelais, Tours, France) 2015: Effects of experimental flow fluctuation on aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblage.
Patricio Andino (PUCE, Quito, Ecuador) 2014: Effects of glacial influence on trophic function of benthic fauna in tropical high-Andean streams.
Rodrigo Espinosa (PUCE, Quito, Ecuador) 2014: Diversity patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrates across stream types and glacial influence in a tropical high-Andean catchment.


Estefanía Quenta (UMSA, La Paz, Bolivia) 2013: Spatial structure of Cladocera metacommunity in the high Andes wetlands of the Cordillera Real.
​​Master 1
Pedro Rosero (M. BEE, Paris, France) 2018: Primary succession after glacial retreat: comparison between terrestrial and aquatic colonisation mechanisms in tropical Andes
Soizic Fabre (M. Sciences de l'Eau, Lyon, France) 2018 : Les processus structurant la composition des communautés d’invertébrés aquatiques en haute montagne.
Antoinette Jestin (ENSE3, Grenoble, France) 2018: Estimation spatialisée et saisonnalisée des prélèvements anthropiques sur le bassin versant de l’Arvan à St Jean d’Arves : implications pour la ressource en eau.
Ana Caro Leon (PUCE, Quito, Ecuador) 2016 : Dispersal capacity of aquatic invertebrates with adult flying stage in tropical alpine streams.

Antonio Daza (UMSA, La Paz, Bolivia) 2013 : Effects of water temperature on aquatic macroinvertebrates in hot volcanic streams at the Sajama national park.

Daniela Cueva (PUCE, Quito, Ecuador) 2012 : Pattern of macroinvertebrates drift in Páramo streams at the Antisana reserve.




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